Getting Started with LINQ

Your onboarding experience

Welcome to Day 1

Welcome to your LINQ trial and onboarding experience and congratulations on taking your first step to fully understand the impact change will have on your business!

As you work through our getting started resources, we will help you understand how to apply LINQ to the opportunities which exist in your business to become more efficient and effective in how you deliver value to your customers and meet your organisational goals.

Complete these tasks to set yourself up for the days ahead

1. Create your password and sign into your account

Follow the link provided in your invitation email and set your password. Then use your email address and your new password to log into LINQ. The URL to your account will also be provided in this email, so remember to bookmark your LINQ login page for easy access.

If you do lose your login address, simply go to and use the login option there. Enter your email address and you will be shown where your LINQ login pages are.

2. Take the LINQ Tour

When LINQ opens for the first time, an interactive tour will open. Follow the screens to understand the LINQ elements in the application. This will help you learn the terminology for the platform which will be useful as you access the next set of learning content.

To find the tour again, you can access this from inside LINQ by clicking on account and selecting tour of canvas.

How to find tour of the canvas

3. Watch the on-boarding videos

There is a series of short LINQ learning videos, also accessible from your first login on the LINQ platform.

Do take the time to watch them as they really help you to get started. The videos reference content available in the LINQ gallery so you can take a look for yourself.

If you need to re-watch, you can also find the video playlist on our YouTube channel here.

LINQ Onboarding Tutorial series in YouTube

4. Download the LINQ Intro Guides

Download these guides and use them as reference as you start on creating your own digital twin of your organisation.

Intro guide 1 introduces you to the explorer, canvas, LINQ language, assembling and connecting nodes, navigating, editing and frequency and duration

Intro guide 2 covers using quick LINQ which is the real time modelling feature of LINQ

Jumping in to Day 2

By now you’ll be itching to create your first model, so in this section we have brought together content to help with that. Follow through this section to access content on our YouTube Channel, download useful reference resources and find your way to the LINQ Support site where you can access FAQs and more general knowledge about using LINQ. At any point, don’t forget that you can email us at and we will get back to you!

Complete these tasks to create your first model!

1. Learn about the LINQ Language – building your Digital Twin

When we model process, we are creating a Digital Twin of your Organisation. Digitial Twins are representations of how an organisation does what it does; the connections between people, systems, the work that gets done and the data & information which enables it all. Digital Twins are built in LINQ by following the structure provided by the LINQ Language.

Here is a cheat sheet that walks you through each node type and how they are connected together. LINQ looks after this for you, so you can only connect nodes which can be connected.

Once you understand this language, translating your process into this structure is straight forward and over time will become a natural way for you to think. In a matter of days we expect that you will be dreaming in LINQ models!!

The LINQ Language - the connection between People, Processes, Technology and Information - shown as LINQs Information, Action, System and People nodes and how they connect

2. Watch these 2 training videos

Pop over to our YouTube Channel – LINQLtdWellington and watch the “Connecting Nodes” video and the “Labelling your LINQ nodes” video. This will help you learn how to turn the LINQ Language diagram above into real content for your first model.

LINQ YouTube logo

3. Access the LINQ Capability List

The Capability List is available as interactive content helping you to understand how each capability is accessed and the outcome it enables. Links to video snippets are provided so you can see each capability in action. This will open in a new page so you can bookmark it as a valuable learning resource.

You can also download our extensive guide which provides every single LINQ capability in an easy to read format. This is for the detail orientated people who need to understand how something works

You can check things off as you learn about and use them. The guide has links to video and other learning content so you can reference something you want to do, find out how to do it, do it for yourself and record that you have learnt something new!

LINQ Capability List image

4. Have a go!

The best way to learn about LINQ is to do it!

If you’ve followed the steps so far, you have what you need to give it a go. Think about a process that you undertake regularly and model it. To get started ask yourself:

  1. What data and information you need to enable you to do your work?
  2. How does that impact the content you are working with?
  3. What happens next?
  4. How do I do the work – which tools or systems do I have to access, or do I simply talk with someone else and ask them to take the process forward?

Use the warning panel, on the right of the screen, to help you to complete the information LINQ needs to be able to provide you with full insights. Refer to the LINQ Language download from Day 2 if you need help.

Before you know it, you will be ‘Thinking Like LINQ!

You think like LINQ

5. Show us what you’ve got!

Once you have created your first sketch, show us what you’ve created and we will provide you with feedback, advice and some next steps.

Use these steps to share your sketch with us:

  1. Add your name to your sketch title and make sure it is saved
  2. Open the Share menu and click Send a Copy
  3. Select Outside Organisation
  4. In the URL, enter
  5. In the email, enter and click the plus sign which will appear
  6. Add a little note so we know who you are and what you sketch is about and click send

We will receive a copy of your sketch and will be in touch 😁

Sketch share form for LINQ training

Accelerating through Day 3

It’s time for us to share some of the amazing outcomes which can be achieved with LINQ. We want you to understand why you are modelling the way LINQ does it, what the benefits are for you and to your organisation and how LINQ delivers insights to support your change conversations.

Today we are going to send you some complete sketches which you can use in your account. Look out for those arriving – you will get an email and the sketches will appear in your Explorer view. You can use these sketches to look at LINQ’s full capability and then continue to work on your own sketches with a better idea of what information you need so LINQ can support the outcome you are looking to achieve.

Run through these actions to get into more LINQ detail

1. The Assura Sketches

Today we would like you to take a look at 2 sketches in the organisation filter in LINQ’s explorer view. They are called ‘Assura – Current State’ and ‘Assura – Future State’.

These sketches describe a health and safety reporting process; the current state being manual, using email and paper to manage the process to its outcome and the future state achieving a similar, but more powerful outcome using a specific Health and Safety application called Assura.

Using your new knowledge of LINQ follow these steps to look through the sketches and learn about the opportunity this change presents to the business:

  • Follow the sketch journey from submission of the incident to the final outcome where the incident has been managed and recorded
  • Look through the Insights to learn about the impact this process has. Remember to use the system summary to explore how people use tools and where the information is held. What is the impact of using email for example?
  • Go to the people dashboard to see how much time a role spends each time an incident is reported

There is a video on our YouTube Channel which runs through these sketches. Head over there to watch them as more help for you as you explore these sketches yourself.

You can also take a copy of these sketches using the save a copy button from LINQ explorer and then play around with the model, make changes and understand how LINQ helps you to ensure you have good quality data in your model.

Assura sketch intro for on-boarding

2. LINQ Case Studies

As an organisation we consult using LINQ as well as providing it to customers and partners to use. Generating case studies is a great way to share our experiences and also helps us highlight the impact LINQ has had when considering the impact change will have on an organisation.

Take a look at some of our most recent case studies. These will no doubt resonate with you, helping you to imagine where in your business LINQ could be applied.

Image for LINQ case studies

3. Customer Chats

Talking with customers is a great way to share outcomes achieved by following the LINQ methodology and building organisation digital twins in contribution to programmes of change.

We’d love for you to take the time to learn from 3 of our customers;

  • Jennifer Petit of WOW! Internet and Broadband based in Denver, US,
  • Bryan Graham, ICT and Digital Manager for Timberlands based in Rotorua, New Zealand
  • Sally Garrett, Emerging Technologies Lead at New Zealand Defence Force based in Wellington, New Zealand.

Delivering success in Day 4

Now you have created your first sketch, you will want to share the outcomes with others in your business – or get someone else to help you add content to your digital twin. In this phase we are going to help you understand how you can share your sketch, publish your sketch and also the organisation palette to create consistency in your capture which will help when you start your next sketch!

Follow these steps to share your insights with others in your business

1. Share your sketch with someone else in your organisation

*Please note that in the LINQ Trial environment, sharing is not enabled. Read through this section to learn what’s possible once you upgrade to an organisation account.

Sometimes you just need a little help to get your digital twin completed. You can share your sketch with others in your organisation and provide them with edit access so they can help you complete the content you need.

It’s worth noting that until you decide to share a sketch, no-one else – even other LINQ editors in your organisation – can see your sketches.

Follow these steps to share your sketch with another editor in your business:

  1. Make sure your sketch has an appropriate name and is saved
  2. Click the share button and choose Share with others
  3. In the form, start typing the name of another LINQ editor. You will need to know that they are a LINQ user – LINQ will only show you possible names if they exist as a LINQ user in your organisation account
  4. Select the user you wish to share your sketch with and set the level of access you’d like to give them
  5. Add a note so they know what they are looking at and click OK

They will get an email telling them that a sketch has been shared with them and the sketch will appear in their sketch list in Explorer.

Watch this video to understand the difference in the LINQ experience now that you have shared your sketch for editing.

Steps to share a sketch internally

2. Publish your sketch and share it with anyone!

What if you want to share your results with someone who isn’t a LINQ user?

No worries – we’ve got you covered!

Publishing a sketch let’s you control what people see. Published sketches are viewed through the LINQ viewer and anyone who has been provided the URL can view the published sketch.

Follow these steps to give it a go:

  1. Make sure your sketch has an appropriate name and has been saved
  2. Open any of the LINQ Insights you want to share. For example, go to the impact assessment insight and choose the data that insight will share. Perhaps select a tab so that the panels are active.
  3. Click publish then publish a link
  4. Follow the publish wizard!

You will see that you are in control of the content you Publish. LINQ will remove access to certain information and associated insights based on the choices you make.

For example, if you want to hide cost information, certain insights will become disabled for publishing.

At the end of the wizard you can choose to email someone the share, or create a URL which you can then copy and use in your own email, or even host on a webpage.

Anyone with the URL will be able to access the sketch – so you can unpublish sketches using the manage published links option from the publish menu.

Sketch publish steps

3. Download the Viewer Guide

We have created a simple guide to using the viewer which you can download by clicking the button.

Feel free to share this with people as you publish sketches far and wide!

4. Check out LINQ in Action

The LINQ in action page on our website using published LINQ sketches to show several examples of how LINQ can be used.

Take a look here for inspiration!

Hosting published links on your intranet is a great way to enable people in your business to access content that you have created.

You can describe the sketch, add some imagery, link to the guide and provide access to the sketch in a concise way so that the entire organisation can benefit from the work you have done.

LINQ in action image

Continuing your journey beyond Day 5

If you’re on your LINQ trial – your time is coming to an end. So what’s next?

We can help you to get what you need from LINQ in support of your organisations change goals.

If you’re on-boarding into LINQ, you’re at the end of your first steps. Now is the time to embed LINQ into your change processes by applying what you have learnt to a project or programme of work and help your leadership understand the impact change will have on the business.

Here are some actions for you to consider as you continue on your LINQ journey.

Consider these steps to continue your LINQ journey

1. Continue to reflect on and re-enforce the outcomes LINQ provides

By now you will be aware that LINQ is different from other tools you will have used in the past. The LINQ language is robust enough to model any scenario in your organisation, as long as you focus on capturing the data and information which is critical to the success of your business outcomes.

Continue to find scenarios that you can model and get in touch if you need support. More content will come online via this page, our YouTube channel and the LINQ support site, so check back in regularly.

Answering the questions on the right and using that new knowledge to power your digital twins will help you create consistent content which will change people’s lives by identifying the opportunities to be more efficient and effective at what you do. Go for it and have fun!

Questions LINQ helps to answer

2. Move from trial to subscription

It’s easy to move any content you have created through your trial into an organisation account.

Get in touch with us to talk through what you need and we can tailor a subscription for your business. We have monthly and annual options available and you can start small as you continue to adapt to thinking like LINQ. Adding more LINQ editors is easy so the platform can grow inside your organisation as more of your change programmes are managed this way.

3. Get a quick win under your belt

Nothing helps new ideas to become adopted faster than proving that they work and add value inside your own organisation.

We can help accelerate your success with LINQ by offering consultancy into your business. LINQ has access to internal expertise and through our Partner Network, experts in many specialist domains who can help deliver your first outcomes with your team.

LINQ can be up to 10x faster than using traditional approaches when accelerating your change. Understanding the impact change will have before you commit to implementation means that the whole organisation can be satisfied that they understand how they will be impacted by the change.

Get in touch if you’d like to talk this through with us. We are always happy to help.

4. Tell us what you think

We’d love to know how you found your trial or on-boarding experience.

Things can only improve when you get honest feedback from customers and prospects – so we are all ears!

Please do consider taking our survey – just click the image on the right – we’d love to hear from you 😁

In the meantime, please feel free to email any comments or thoughts you have at

Thanks for coming on this journey with us! We are committed to your success, so don’t hesitate to get in touch if there is anything we can help with.