
We deliver your insights faster than ever before!

Working with your teams, we manage the modelling for you.

We facilitate the workshops, capture content in LINQ, discuss the outcomes with you and help reach your decision point – fast!

Learn more about working with us here.


Learn from the people who built the tool!

LINQ training enables you to get the most from your investment.

We take you on a journey – from how to translate your conversation into the structured language of LINQ to unveiling the opportunity your Digital Twin of the Organisation presents to increase efficiency and effectiveness through our Instant Insights.

Get an insight into our training content by visiting our Getting Started page.


We’re there for you when you need our help.

Access our support directly from LINQ, or visit

Extend your support arrangement to include LINQ Clinics. We jump online and help you to ensure your Digital Twins are complete and accurate so that you gain the insights you need to support your transformation decision making.

Consulting skills including expert, knowledget, potential and success
You Think Like LINQ
LINQ Support

And don’t forget your subscription…

LINQ subscriptions enable your team to deliver outcomes at your pace.

Start with a project and extend to the organisation, using your Digital Twin to understand the impact change will have across your business.

Get started with a free trial by clicking the button below!

Interested in how LINQ can help you see the impact of change before you invest budget?  Book a conversation with Neil today.