“FINALLY! We have yearned for concrete insights into our business operations for years. We have talked about transformation but it remained very conceptual. LINQ ideally will become a first stop to developing our annual project road maps across the company.”

Director of Serviceability, WOW Networks

Aligning cost and value

Know the value of your information assets

Understand the cost of producing what you need to do business

Identify opportunities to realign budgets to support valuable outcomes

Clearly understand the cost and value of the work people perform

Business transformation

Visualise your business case for change

Increase decision intelligence through evidence-based insights

Ensure that you identify the cultural demands of business change

Prioritise transformation based on value

Streamline processes

Remove information waste from your organisation

Understand which activities are appropriate for digitalisation

Ensure that information is accessible for decision making when you need it

Add-value to your other process re-engineering strategies by focusing on business value

Synchronise your team

Reduce frustration by enabling people to innovate about better ways to work

Motivate your team by ensuring they know the value they deliver

Identify tasks of low value which if changed or removed generate time to be curious

Mobilize your team to contribute to your digital transformation

Project Management

Accelerate project decision making based on evidence using modelling

Deliver your change projects ordered by the value they deliver to the organisation

De-risk decisions by sharing tangible benefits before the work starts

Manage scope creep by accurately defining project boundaries

A line drawing denoting the benefits of using LINQ - financial, time, risk, awareness, communcation, availability

Interested in LINQ?
Start a conversation with our team today.