DELIVERED: The Organisation Palette

One of the things we are constantly tasked with is ensuring consistency of detail and information between sketches within the LINQ environment of an organisation.

The Organisation Palette will allow for multiple LINQ analysts in an organisation to use base information that is flagged as both Authoritative and Organisational and will allow LINQ editors to access that content for sketch creation.

  • Access to the ‘Catalogue’ style User Interface for the management of the content to be provided in the palette, with filtering and grouping of items.
  • The Organisation Palette is auto generated from sketches based on sketch metadata, i.e. content in Authoritative sketches becomes available for management in the Organisation Palette – a LINQ Organisation Admin can correct, delete and add new entities into the Palette including default and custom properties
  • LINQ Admin(s) will be able to push changes back to authoritative sketches with the ability to ‘merge duplicates’
  • The Organisation Palette will be accessible in the canvas – organisation users can access the palette (with a level of search and filtering) and drag from palette to canvas to create Organisation elements in their sketches.
A screenshot of the LINQ Explorer showing the Organisation sketch filter, containing sketches which can be seen by everyone in the organisation.