
Author: linq

Answering Questions about Imagery and MH370

We got good feedback from the imagery post last week and got some questions that indicate that another post would be beneficial.  This post needs to be slightly more technical but we’ll be gentle! One of the questions is why the imagery satellites can’t just keep snapping away to keep track of debris.  Indeed, further confusion […]

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Imagery and the search for MH370

The MH370 tragedy continues to dominate the world media.  Frustrations are clearly boiling over – we all feel for the ordeal the families are going through. One area of frustration concerns imagery and we thought this blog post might assist in understanding some of the realities of imagery in situations like this.

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The ‘philisophy’ of Spatial.IQ

​When we set up Spatial.IQ, we began thinking about a business model that would allow us to attract the brightest and best geospatial professionals. In the small and intimate New Zealand market, that suggests we need to think out of the box. If we use a traditional ownership model, we quickly run out of financial […]

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Is there a new definition for the term GIS?

The classic definition of a GIS is that it is a system comprising the five elements of software, hardware, data, people and organisations.  That definition has spanned from the very earliest days of GIS and as such is both a strength and a weakness. Having a long-standing definition is a strength because as a GIS […]

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