What is a capability list?

Welcome to the Capability List which is a list of all of the functions that LINQ can do. For LINQ trainers its a road map for training and for LINQ clients it’s a way to refresh your knowledge.

We’ve chosen to present this training information in a blog post style so we can add screen shots and videos to the context of the training. Our intent is that it feels like we are sitting next to you personally guiding you through the content.

There are 156 unique capabilities that we have chunked down into 3 sections: Administration, Basics and Insights which cover

  • Administrative Functions
  • Insights
  • Modelling which includes custom properties, dashboard menu, find nodes, navigation, node connections, node descriptions, properties, publish a sketch, toolbar tools, visualisations

All this information is searchable within this blog, so we invite you to join us on this journey. Soon you’ll be thinking like LINQ.