
Tag: Information Supply Chains

The challenges of Information Intangibility

As IT Professionals, we often remind ourselves that “It should be all about the Information, not the Technology”.  Which is ironic, given that we’re inevitably ‘IT professionals‘ rather than ‘Information Professionals’.  But how do ‘Information Professionals’ cope with the challenges of Information Intangibility? The (in)Tangibility of Technology As an excuse, it’s been really challenging to maintain […]

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The road to Digital Transformation is dark and full of terrors…

The road to digital transformation is dark and full of terrors…or so many would have you believe… It’s true that today’s organisations face more challenges than at any point in history, which will influence the approach to transformation. Understanding which are and are not important based on how they will disrupt the future is an […]

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What if you could define and measure Business Transformation?

Why Business Transformation is Difficult What does Business Transformation look like?  Furthermore, what does the journey to a transformed business look like?  How do you measure success; how do you know you ‘got there’? These questions are fundamental yet incredibly challenging to answer in business terms.  As a result, the journey to Business Transformation is […]

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LINQ – An Infonomics platform

We’ve been reading Doug Laney’s new book Infonomics.  You should too!  It’s available on Amazon here.  Doug is a vice president and distinguished analyst at Gartner’s Chief Data Officer practice. He knows what he’s talking about when it comes to understanding the value of information. Doug lays down a challenge to organisations large and small: […]

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LINQ: The Business of Information Flow

Information Flow matters to your business. If you don’t believe me, here’s a challenge. Ask these questions about your organisation: How does it use Information? How do decisions about Digitisation get made? What’s the most valuable Information Asset? Only a few organisations are in the information business. These information-centric entities sell information as their primary […]

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Uber’s Advantage Is Moving Information Not People

Having spent the last 7 weeks immersed in the world of Information Supply Chains I’ve come to the conclusion that I’ve been looking at IT challenges in the wrong way. I now find it incredible how easily the conversation about IT’s role in digital transformation seems to focus on the “technology” and not the “information”. […]

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